Winner Wednesday: Five Senses

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It is time for the third round of Winner Wednesday. This linky will take place the first Wednesday of every month. I will pick a popular product from my store and explain it in detail, with pictures. The best part of it all is that YOU will have a chance to win that product for FREE. All you will have to do is enter your name to be entered into the Rafflecopter.  I was so honored that so many people participated last month. There were some amazing products that TpTers were giving away and I am so excited to see who links-up today.

This month I decided that it would be a perfect time to choose my Five Senses Unit for the product.  This pack contains one week of hands-on science activities and lessons to do with your kindergarten or first students.
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You will be able to put together four sound shakers for your students to guess what is inside.
This is what the sound shakers looked like once they are put together.
At the front of the room you will have the four sound shaker labels up on the white board. As your students guess what is in each shaker, you will place the picture below the shaker.
Afterwards, there is a worksheet that can go inside their interactive science journal.


You will be able to put together bags filled with various objects for students to guess what it is that they feel. Here is an example of two of the bags.
This is what they look like when they are all put together.
For this activity I typically blindfold my students with a bandanna. They love it and it keeps them from looking inside the bags. Like with the other activities, I have large label cards at the front of the room. As students guess what they think they are feeling inside the bag, I place those pictures underneath the given label card. Once all bags have been accounted for, we will check their answers accordingly.
Afterwards, there is a worksheet that can go inside their interactive science journal.


For smell I start by putting together these jars. I bought the jars from Dollar Spot in Target, but you can also purchase some affordable jars on Amazon by clicking {here}. I put paper in the jar to hide what object I am placing inside so that the students will be required to use only their senses to guess what is inside.
Here is the finished product showing what the jars will look like once they are put together.
Similar to the other senses, you will have large pictures labeled for each jar. As students guess what they smell, you will place the pictures underneath the given jar.
Afterwards, there is a worksheet that can go inside their interactive science journal.


This activity is always fun because kids LOVE when they eat in the classroom. I always give each student a small piece of all four food items listed on a paper plate. You can do this next part as a class, in small groups, or individually. They will taste the different foods and decide which one is bitter, sweet, sour, or salty.
Afterwards, there is a worksheet that can go inside their interactive science journal.

Now is your chance to win this product for FREE. If you do not want to wait for the giveaway to be over and you want to purchase this product now, click {here}. Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin so you will be the first to know when Winner Wednesday has gone live each month. 

Want to be a part of Winner Wednesday?

This linky party will take place on the first Wednesday of every month. I would love for you to join in on the fun and have a chance to win some awesome products for FREE! 

Here is how to link-up:
1. Save the 'Winner Wednesday' images to your computer.
2. Create a blog post about one product from your store. Try to include authentic pictures, not just pictures from your TpT store, if possible.
3. Add cover page of product to the "Winner Wednesday' product image.
4. Set up Rafflecopter to run for the entire day of Wednesday {Please only require name for entry}.
5. Link up by clicking the 'add your link' button {or you can email me your permalink prior to the link-up going live}.
6. Don't forget to check out the other Winner Wednesday products that have been shared and leave comments on any that you particularly like!